Over a dozen years ago, Jones & Co. was started as a collaboration between the 'Jones Girls' (Mom, Grandma and Aunty Donelda) and Metro Pet. For these generations of animal lovers, this was a labour of love. For over a decade, the Jones family made delicious and nutritious cookies, with Mom at the helm. As a professional cake decorator, she took incredible pride in her creations.
When Mom unexpectedly passed this past June, Aunty Donelda took the lead. Even in Mom's last weeks and days, she joyfully shared more of her detailed recipes and 'secret techniques', with her little sister, Donelda. Until the end, Mom was so proud of her perfect healthy frosting recipe that she created without the use of any sugars (she really wanted us to patent this technology). ;-)
With pride and enthusiasm, Aunty Donelda has carried on with the Jones & Co. traditions and honoured the high standards, recipes and techniques, but she has brought her own flair and style to the brand. We're confident that you'll agree that her cookies are beautiful! And, as always, every single biscuit is handcrafted locally with only the finest human-grade ingredients and tons of love and care. And, of course, there is NEVER anything fake in her recipes: no artificial colours, no artificial flavours, no sugar, glucose or fructose, no wheat, no corn, no soy....only the best for your special furry family members.
We love Jones & Co. And we love you, Aunty Donelda. We're proud of you and blessed to have you carry this torch. We look forward to the next dozen years of Jones & Co. cookies on our shelves.